Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Persuade People and Earn Higher

There are four big principles that one must memorize in order to increase his sales by as much as 300% or even more.

Principle # 1 - Call your customer by his name.

People feel more comfortable when you call them by their names. If your target customer is a complete stranger, ask him politely about his name. Pronounce his name correctly and mention it throughout your conversation. This way you can get his attention and make him listen.

Principle # 2 - Make your customer feel the need.

Let me give you a simple demonstration of this principle:

Marveling at a certain employee’s ability to sell toothbrushes, the head of the sales department decided to follow him around one day.

He observed that this particular salesman choose a busy street corner on which to set up an array of toothbrushes and a small bowl of brownish stuff surrounded by chips.

The salesman would then select a likely customer and announce, “Good morning! We’re introducing Nifty Chip Dip — would you like a free sample?”

Tasting the dip, the bystander would invariably spit it out in disgust and howl, “It tastes like s***!”

“It is,” the salesman would inform them calmly. “Care to buy a toothbrush?”

Funny it might seem, but this joke gives an example of how you can make your customer need (not only want) the product you are selling. However, in the actual scene, you cannot use this kind of strategy to close a deal with people; otherwise you will go home badly beaten or end up in jail.

In reality, you must make your sales presentation as clean and as professional as possible. Persuade your customer that the product you are offering is of great importance to him. (Note that I used the word offering instead of selling because offering denotes something, which is more advantageous on the side of the customer than of the seller.)

Principle # 3 - Make it seem that you are helping the customer, not selling something to him.

Is this possible? Yes, of course. It is so simple, please read on:

You: Mr. Farmington, I understand that you are spending too much on your electric bills and I presume that the air-conditioning unit that you are using does not have an energy-saving device. That’s bad, but I can help you make your bill lower by as much as 50%. Here, you can have our Gold energy-saving device. You can save hundreds of dollars every year for only $20 dollars as one time payment.

Mr. Farmington: Oh! That’s great. Please give me one of those. Here is the $20 dollars. Thanks a lot.

Principle # 4 - Never take no for an answer.

Considering the real world however, it is not that easy to close a deal. If things like that happen, remember the fourth principle and be assertive.

Learn to overcome objections and always state your sentences in the positive way. Do not stop talking because when you stop talking, you will lose your customer, please read on:

Mr. Farmington: Thanks for the offer, but I might not need that because I’m planning to buy a new air-conditioning unit, which is exactly the same as my old one and it goes with a free energy-saving device.

You: But Mr. Farmington, if your old air-conditioning unit still works, you can save by just buying an energy-saving device. Compare the price of the new air-conditioning unit with your old one. You will notice that the new unit is a bit more expensive, considering that both the old and the new unit have the same brand and features. Except, of course, the free energy-saving device that goes with the new one. It seems that you will also pay for the energy-saving device.

Mr. Farmington here is our Gold energy-saving device. You’ll be glad you decided to buy that. For just $20 dollars you’ll be able to save hundreds. (In here you are assertive, you assume that the customer has agreed with the sale.)

Mr. Farmington: Ok. I think you are right. I’ll get one of those. Here is the $20.

See? You were able to close the deal. “If you don’t sell, it’s not the product that’s wrong, it’s you.” — Estée Lauder

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Money Wisdom between Engaged Couples: How to Manage Spending Habits

Money Wisdom between Engaged Couples: How to Manage Spending Habits - Are you one of those engaged couples who do not usually discuss money matters before they get married?

If you cannot discuss financial matters with a loved with before tying the knot, it is almost inevitable that you will have problems related to money while you are married.

It is not the amount of money that you have that matters but what you intend to do with it and how you manage it.

Perhaps an inheritance could set you up for life until you retire. But, nothing is sure in this world and all of that could just as easily be lost with mismanagement. Here are some questions that you should immediately address to help you achieve a blissful marriage:

How do you look at money?
The family environment you grew up in usually dictates how you view money. During the courtship period, your real personalities may not be immediately obvious to each other because you are showing your best sides.

Still, ask your partner on their idea of success or the role of money in that success. If incompatibilities exist, you will have a better understanding of how to accept each other or agree on how you can overcome your differences.

Who will pay for the wedding?
The groom's family normally pays for the wedding. However, given the hard times today, the best solution is for the couple to pay for everything equally. The families of both the groom and the bride can give whatever monetary gift they can afford and the couple can decide how much of these gifts will be allotted for the wedding.

Couples are not encouraged to spend too much for their wedding day. It is only one day and you have the rest of your lives together. Do not throw a grand celebration if you cannot afford it.

What would your lifestyle be like?
Understand how much money you both have and how much debt you each owe. If there is a debt, agree on how you plan to pay it. Be open about how much each of you earn and what you expect to be spending as a married couple. Do not leave the decision of what to spend on a day-to-day basis. This could lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

Who will manage the money?
Even if a couple's financial well-being is a joint understanding, one of you has to be responsible for staying within agreed budgets; informing the other when there is any possible deviation foreseen.

You also have to keep track of all important documents and records. Both of you should make decisions on insurance, investments, and income tax return filings. Of course, you should do this in consultation with experts.

One of you also has to be responsible for properly maintaining and balancing all bank accounts to prevent penalties and not allow money to become idle without earning any interest.

How often will you talk about money issues?
Differences are inevitable. Work on a program of continuing discussion and communication with an open mind and sincere heart. Bring in an objective and experienced financial adviser if your differences seem major. This is the key to a long-term financial compatibility and a happy marriage.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How to Make Money without Making Enemies

How to Make Money without Making Enemies... do you think you have enemies when you have a lot of money?


Anytime is the best time to talk about gaining wealth without making enemies. Occasions, such as Christmas, provide a special reason. The best example is Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.”

Even if you haven’t read the book, you must have seen a version of a TV movie or cartoon about the story of a stingy businessman named Ebenezer Scrooge. On Christmas Eve, he was visited by four ghosts. Afterwards, he became more generous and charitable.

When one strikes the gold and gets rich, chances are he develops enemies around him. It could be the manner in which he obtained the wealth or it could be simply because these people are jealous of his good fortune.

So we ask whether it is possible to gain wealth without gaining enemies. The answer to this question is yes.

We all want to have more money. However, here’s the dilemma: when we get the money, we are prone to have more power. That’s true.

Too much power can result to enemies. If you do not want enemies, but you want money, below are some of the things that you can do.

It may be difficult but it is all about self-control. By keeping your morals intact, you know how to handle the situation better and in a civil manner. In the world of business, there is a tendency for people to engage in cutthroat competition. If you subscribe to this way of thinking, you ease up on seizing an opportunity that will let you step on others in order to reach your goal.

You should be also confident in the skill that you have. You need not be jealous of what others can do. By investing in your own talents, you can excel in this area. With diligence and devotion on what you are doing, soon enough you’ll be climbing up the corporate ladder.

Do not engage in BS or crap. If you feel that an endeavor is a waste of time, then do not get into it. Think before you act. If you also feel that it is not worth pursuing, do not trick others to jump onboard. Keep an atmosphere of healthy competition. Do not drag people down. Keep the playing field open.

If you find yourself ahead than most people, keep your feet on the ground. Do not act all arrogant and exude the aura that you are better than others. You will surely have enemies around if you do so.

Seize every opportunity. As long as it will help you succeed, then go for it. However, there is no need to pull somebody else down. Just proceed on your own pace and see the wonders ahead.

Everybody wants to make money and gain the secrets of the wealthy. They want to be their own boss and live their own lives and become financially stable. There are also people who want to achieve wealth without compromising their relationships with people around them.
It is possible.

Just follow the golden rule: do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you. Always put yourself in the position of the other person, without degrading or incriminating your own benefit.

Think of how you can gain from the situation, but also be mindful of those around you.