Sunday, July 06, 2008

Trademark Registration

The purpose of registering a trademark is to protect brand recognition.

Pros: In business, brand recognition is everything. Your name or your logo tells the world at large about you, what your product is, and what it represents. You can spend years and thousands and thousands (even millions) of dollars making your name or your logo or trademark recognizable to your customers. Then along comes some upstart and he begins using your name and your logo or trademark in order to foster off inferior products on YOUR customers. Your business can be in the toilet before you know it, and unless your have registered your trademark, there won’t be a thing you can do about it.

Registering a trademark isn’t hard, and with Legal Zoom, it isn’t even very expensive. The $484 total cost includes the U.S. government filing fee. Protect yourself and your business. Register your trademark today!

Cons: Handling legal matters yourself is always a little risky. However, if you do believe that you can fill out and file the correct forms, Legal Zoom can provide you with the forms that you need.

Guarantee: There is no guarantee offered, and I really don’t think that any kind of guarantee would apply.

Value for money: Trademark registration can be invaluable in business. This is a very good value.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Building Blocks Self Help Course on Audio CD

The purpose of The Building Blocks Self Help Course on Audio CD is to inform and instruct students.

Pros: The Building Blocks Self Help Course on Audio CD is taught by a top personal coach and motivational expert by the name of Fredric Premji. If you are at a point where you are frustrated with your life and would like to change but don’t have a clue where to begin, The Building Blocks Self Help Course on Audio CD is the very course that can help you begin to make those much needed changes…for the better.

The Building Blocks Self Help Course on Audio CD covers how to become a master at communicating with others and how to increase your confidence level, as well as the importance of positive thinking! If you need help to make your life better, this is the course for you. You can take the course from the comfort of your own home and at your convenience, too.

Cons: I like the fact that tangible products are guaranteed, but I dislike the fact that services that are delivered online are not guaranteed. There may well be a good and logical explanation why this is true, however. The Building Blocks Self Help Course on Audio CD seems to be a very good product and I can find no cons associated with it.

Guarantee: Tangible products are covered by a 30-day guarantee of satisfaction. Online services are not guaranteed.

Value for money: The Building Blocks Self Help Course on Audio CD is loaded with good and practical advice. It is a good value.